

PHP-Home PHP-Environment Setup PHP-Syntax PHP-Run PHP in XAMPP PHP-Variable PHP-Comment PHP-Datatype PHP-String PHP-Operators PHP-Decision PHP-loop PHP-Get/Post PHP-Do While loop PHP-While loop PHP-For loop PHP-Foreach loop PHP-Array PHP-Multidimensional Arrays PHP-Associative Arrays PHP-Indexed Arrays PHP-Function PHP-Cookies. PHP-Session PHP-File upload PHP-Email PHP-Data & Time PHP-Include & Require PHP-Error PHP-File I/O PHP-Read File PHP-Write File PHP-Append & Delete File PHP-Filter PHP-Form Validation PHP-MySQl PHP-XML PHP-AJAX

PHP - Environment Setup

In order to develop and run PHP Web pages three vital components need to be installed on your computer system.

  • Web Server
  • Database
  • PHP Parser
  • To install PHP, we will suggest you to install AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) software stack.

  • WAMP for Windows
  • LAMP for Linux
  • MAMP for Mac
  • XAMPP (Cross, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl) for Cross Platform
  • How to install XAMPP server on windows

    To install XAMPP server on your computer, You need to download XAMPP server software from based on your operating system. and hardware version of your Computer.

    xampp install

    After downloading XAMPP, double click on the downloaded file and allow XAMPP to make changes in your system.

    A window will pop-up, where you have to click on the Next button.

    Select the components, which you want to install and click Next.

    xampp install

    xampp install

    XAMPP is ready to use. Start the Apache server and MySQL and run the php program on the localhost.

    How to run PHP programs on XAMPP, see in the next tutorial.

    xampp install

    If no error is shown, then XAMPP is running successfully.

    xampp install